Everybody can make an Instagram feed aesthetically pleasing. Everybody can create and post content, but only some can deliver results. In recognizing that every client's needs are different and that there is no "one size fits all" solution, bespoke client services make for incredible possibilities. Strategy is at the core of my decision-making, and I let results speak for themselves. Thus, my work with Kelly was no different.
BEFORE: Kelly was concerned that her account was "shadow-banned. " Her views slowly started to slip, and she had tried everything. She had a very segmented audience and an extremely tight schedule due to her thriving real estate career.
HOW: By talking with Kelly and discovering her story, I devised a narrative that would encompass all of her audiences. I created a strategy for her social media accounts that would work to get views up, unify her audience, and would even work with her jam-packed schedule.
400% 26%
Peak increase in Instagram story views. Increase in 30-day average reach on Instagram
Kelly was ecstatic to see that more eyes were seeing her content and that she could balance everything from being a top real estate agent at Douglas Elliman to being there for her daughters while always having high-quality content for her Instagram.